Whats new in Nimbuzz Symbian 3.5 ?
- Friends search
- Twitter Improvements
- User interface improvements
- Certification Error issue resolved
Friend Search on Nimbuzz :
Nimbuzz is all about connecting you with your friends & family. Now you can expand your friend circle by actually searching through 110 million Nimbuzz profiles. Simply enter your friend’s name, hit Search to list down all matching profiles and add them as your friend to start chatting & calling them for free!
UI Improvements :
1. Coloured Chat Tabs for Symbian touch devices.
2. Emoticons grid
3. Easy access to Chatrooms from Dashboard
4. Easy access to Twitter from Dashboard
5. Add contact flow simplified
Certificate Error issue resolved :
Some users complained about Nimbuzz Symbian Certificate error on their devices. This was due to a security certificate from Nokia which expired on 20th Oct 2012. This update fixes this problem and carries an updated security certificate from Nokia.
You can download the latest Nimbuzz Symbian version 3.5 by CLICKING HERE.