Archive for November 2010

Nimbuzz chatroom bot easy installation and configuration

NimbBot for Nimbuzz Chatrooms
NimbBot is a modified version of Pako bot, designed to make the bot work on nimbuzz chat rooms When compared to other bots, Pako bot is very easy in installation and managing. It is not dependent on any other softwares. One can easily install it and start using. Pako bot supports Multiple admins for the bot to manage it in room. There are list of commands which will make the bot understand and perform some action. Some commands can be given to the bot id in its pvt. some commands works only in chat room.
You can get list of commands from bot by typing .muc list, .misc list, .admin list. you can see more comants below

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Also check Nimbuzz Bots Official - Jimmy Bot, Twitter Bot, Cricket Bot, Astro Bot.